
Welcome to Dana Peterson Photography. It has been a fantastic year! I have a few more sessions to finish in December and then 2012 will be history. THANK YOU to such wonderful clients! I wish you a Merry Christmas. I look forward to more sessions in 2013. It will be here before we know it! On this site you will find images of many of my photo sessions, a bit from my own life and lots and lots of my own kids.
For more photos and sessions feel free to check my Facebook Page.

Two adorable little boys that LOVE tractors

I grew up in what most would call "the middle of no where" and on a farm. Because of that (I know some of you may think I am crazy), I get a little envious of families that are raising their kids in similar circumstances. The father of these adorable children is a farmer and their mom is amazingly talented. She is so crafty and artistic. It was fun to spend the morning with them.




Kind of a vintage look.

And perhaps one of my favorite non-people photos to date...Remeber they are dairy farmers. These are the boots that they actually wear and truly represent them.


Breanna said...

So, I have been DYING to see these pictures and then I just remembered that you usually post them on your blog! AHHH! I love the boot picture, and the one of E is darling! I really wish that L would have been more smiley. Guess we will just have to do it again. Like when Tyson can come over too. I really like the one of him leaning on the tractor though too. Great job, speaking of super talented people... look in the mirror lately missy?

Handsfullmom said...

LOVE the shoes picture!